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Single wrapping plan

Hood  |  Rear Glass   |  Fender

・ The best way for anyone to enjoy ITASHA.

You can be the ITASHA owner easily, instantly, reasonable price.
Not only for beginners,
but also we recommend this plan
for the vehicle you use everyday.

If you want to use the design one
of the custom of your car, this is the best choice.




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本社オフィス 〒160-0023 東京都新宿区西新宿3丁目3番13号 西新宿水間ビル2F

施行ガレージ 〒272-0837 千葉県市川市堀之内3丁目17-12 DAICHIガレージ北国分I    

営業時間   10:00~19:00(木曜日定休)

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